Penelope Collection

Milan 2020

The research of Raffaella Bona, architect and ceramist, is characterized by constant experimentation through the transformation of matter (stoneware and porcelain) combined with the use of metal (brass and bronze) and other elements. 

The expression of form, enhanced and vivified by the material itself, as well as the interest in the tactile aspects of materials, results in the creation of "unique pieces" made exclusively by hand. 

The "Penelope" collection, stems from the idea of revolutionizing the most extreme image of a burden that has always weighed on the shoulders of modern males in a harried - and culturally induced - hunt for their alpha position in the world.  

Fouls chiselled in the most varied forms of mistreatment and emasculation are not true torture. 

If a cursory reading induces us to label the proposed works as mere female revenge on the most classic means of pretended power held by the virile sex, closer reflection offers the viewer different or even opposite interpretations.  

That prison that oppresses, made only of bars, with no doors or escape routes, or that noose that suffocates thus become a liberating cry, a compassionate gesture that suggests monsters to be demolished, a proposal of male profiles that, finally freed from roles and clichés, appear in the idea of the new millennium emptied of violence, rape and gender discrimination. 

open details Alcatraz. Sculpture

Alcatraz. Sculpture

year: 2022

size cm: h20 w10 d9

price: €: ------

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open details Ghigliottina (Guillotine). Pendant

Ghigliottina (Guillotine). Pendant

year: 2022

size cm: h9 w7,50 d6

price: €: ------

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open details Impiccagione (Hanging). Sculpture

Impiccagione (Hanging). Sculpture

year: 2022

size cm: h33 w13 d15

price: €: ------

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open details Ergastolo (Life Sentence).Sculpture

Ergastolo (Life Sentence).Sculpture

year: 2020

size cm: h25 w25 d15

price: €: ------

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open details Ergastolo (Life Sentence). Pendant

Ergastolo (Life Sentence). Pendant

year: 2020

size cm: h3,50 w2,50 d2

price: €: ------

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open details Sedia elettrica (Electric Chair). Sculpture

Sedia elettrica (Electric Chair). Sculpture

year: 2023

size cm: h33 w7 d17,50

price: €: ------

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open details Fucilazione (Firing Squad)

Fucilazione (Firing Squad)

year: 2024

size cm: h20 w33 d16

price: €: ------

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open details Iniezione letale (Lethal Injection)

Iniezione letale (Lethal Injection)

year: 2024

size cm: h25 w34 d18

price: €: ------

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open details Il rogo (The Fire)

Il rogo (The Fire)

year: 2024

size cm: h33 w24 d24

price: €: ------

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