Ulrike Donié

Saarbrücken, Germany 1961

1961 born in Saarbrücken, Germany

1984-1988 Art school Saarbrücken

artist in residence, Art school Nagoya, Japan, 2008

Has been working as a freelance artist since 1991

2018 art association Emmerich (solo)

art association Duisburg (solo)

art association Soest,(solo)

municipal Gallery Kunstforum Neuenrade, (solo)

2019 Pavillon du Centenaire, Esch sur Alzette, Luxemburg,

Art association Neureut (solo)

Landtag Rheinland-Pfalz, (solo)

art association Ingelheim (E)

art museum Neu-Ulm (group)

museum Kloster Kamp, Kamp-Lintfort (E)

art association Hockenheim (E)

international art exhibition "AUF DEM WEG", Hollfeld (group)

art association Wörth "zwischen Illusion und Realität" (group)

museum Oktogon, Hitzacker (solo)

Kulturring Meschede " Alte Synagoge Meschede", (solo), catalogue

environmental centre Westfalen, Bergkamen, (solo)

art Fair Art Vischering, Lüdinghausen

2020 art association Aschaffenburg "Starke Frauen"

Symposium mit Ausstellung Großobjekt für den Außenbereich „Big Bugs“

art association b-05 Kultur- art and nature Montabaur

art association Lindau, art in St. Stephan, (solo)

KunstWerk Fellbach e.V. Fellbach (solo)

museum Koenraad Bosman, Rees (solo)

art association Meppen (solo)

project room k-Salon, Berlin with Susanne Husemann (solo)

museum Pachen, Rockenhausen (solo)

2021 art association Weiden (solo)

museum Miltenberg (solo ), purchase for the art collection

art gallery Hilsbach (solo)

museum Mölln (solo)

art association Ladenburg (solo ),

art exhibition nature-human beings St. Andreasberg, (group)

art association Germersheim „VIELFACH NATUR“ (group)

art association Frechen (group)

art association Bad Salzdetfurth (group)

Gallery Kunstzone M1, Gera (group)

2022 Peripherie Gallery in sudhaus, Tübingen (solo)

art association, Galerie im Kornhaus, Schwäbisch Gmünd (solo)

municipal gallery Stapflehus, Weil am Rhein, (solo)

museum im Deutscherrenschloss, Münnerstadt,(solo)

Kulturort Wintringer Kapelle Kleinblittersdorf, Saarbrücken, (solo)

museum castle Ratibor, Roth (solo)

Kulturforum Ansbach, Kunsthaus Reiterbahn 3, Ansbach (solo)

art association Raum für Pflanzen - Orangerie am Hofgarten, Kirchberg / Jagst, (solo)

exhibition "10 years art association Ladenburg" exhibition with the previous artists, (group)art association

„Kunst in der Maschinenhalle Scherlebeck“, Herten (solo)
Kunstzone M1, Gera, (group)fair Art Vischering, Lüdinghausen, (group)

2023 art association Kronach, (solo)

municipal gallery in der Zehntscheuer, Balingen, (solo)

municipal gallery ada Meiningen, (solo)

gallery M1 Kunstzone Gera, (solo)

municipal gallery Villa Streccius, Landau, (solo)

municipal gallery „Altes Rathaus“ Schwarzenbach ander Saale, (solo)artist in residence Erich Hauser Foundation

Art Fair Brussels, with Gallery Cécile Dufay, Paris

2024 Gallery Puuul space, Vienna, (solo)

Art Fair Parallele Vienna

Museum Villa van Delden, Ahaus (solo)

open details Arbeit 1.1

Arbeit 1.1

year: 2023

size cm: h93 w118

price: €: 3.500,00

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open details Arbeit 2

Arbeit 2

year: 2023

size cm: h93 w118

price: €: 3.500,00

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open details Arbeit 4.1.2

Arbeit 4.1.2

year: 2023

size cm: h93 w118

price: €: 3.500,00

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open details Arbeit 5.1

Arbeit 5.1

year: 2023

size cm: h93 w118

price: €: 3.500,00

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open details Arbeit 6

Arbeit 6

year: 2023

size cm: h93 w118

price: €: 3.500,00

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open details Arbeit 7.1

Arbeit 7.1

year: 2023

size cm: h93 w118

price: €: 3.500,00

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open details Arbeit 9

Arbeit 9

year: 2023

size cm: h93 w118

price: €: 3.500,00

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open details Arbeit 10.1

Arbeit 10.1

year: 2023

size cm: h93 w118

price: €: ------

Details enquire

open details Arbeit 8

Arbeit 8

year: 2023

size cm: h93 w118

price: €: 3.500,00

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