Carlotta Baldazzi

Lugo, Italy 1972

Carlotta Baldazzi "Daughter of art", father painter and mother artist and owner in the 70s of one of the first Milanese temples of vintage "Il Baule", a meeting place for artists and actors, where exhibitions of paintings and events are organized with great exponents of the avant-garde art such as Guido Crepax, Maria Mulas and others. Philippe Daverio, Milan's councilor for culture, had called the Baule Galleria metropolitan.

From an early age, Carlotta lived between colors and vernissages, drawing and experimenting with imaginative techniques. By actively participating in the preparation of exhibitions and subsequently, starting to exhibit some of her works.

Carlotta attends the school of art, painting and sculpture. Then later the School of Design, where she specializes in designer of objects, clothing, interior design, drawing on fabric and more.

In 2004, she defied fate and with only 100 original garments she made her debut in a trendy district of Milan, with her Dragoncella brand, clothes as unique as works of art, success was immediate and appeared in many fashion magazines Muse magazine, Italian knitwear,  Milano Extraordinary and others.

In 2012 she concluded her experience with fashion, converting her ironic and stylized figures into paintings, exhibiting them in a solo show at the Spazio Tadini casa Museo, with an amazing result.

Since 2014 she has evolved further and dedicated to the discovery of new forms of art, such as three-dimensional abstract sculpture, photography, photo collage and digital painting.

- Chosen in 2022 by the Mediterranium Collection of the Med Photo Fest.

- Carlotta has participated in various national and international events:

- Artissima 2014, Progetto Maionese (the world of women) 2009

- Fondazione Manfredi 2006, Groff & C. personal curated by Tizian Groft 2012

- Casa Museo Spazio Tadini personal curated by Melina Scalise and Francesco Tadini 2015

- selected as the selected by Artsper as best artist 2016

- Teseo Arte 2016, Studio Bazzini 15 art 2016

- Sator cultural association 2015

- Subcity Gallery 2016, Staff Le Trottoir 2018

- Banca Azimut 2018, Rome Art Week 2017

- Sant'Agostino Church 2017

EnPlein Air and Mupi (Pinerolo system Museums) personal curated by Elena Privitera 2018

Musep, project Corixart Lacci 2020 curated by Cristina Fusi Montisci and Paride Rosa

Docks Dora Turin un (d) ici 2021, L'Arca degli Esposti curated by Eliana Urbano Raimondi 2021

ArteSuite 2021

A.Forart 2021

Galleria Meera 2021

Revenart 2021

exhibition Luka Art Gallery 2021

Between spaces art gallery curated by Sha Ovidor 2021

Luka art gallery exhibition until 2022

open details La Contorsionista

La Contorsionista

ed. / year: 1 / 2021

size cm: h40 w34

price: €: 1.000,00

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open details Ghismunda


ed. / year: 1 / 2022

size cm: h40 w34

price: €: 1.000,00

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open details La Donna con Pollo

La Donna con Pollo

ed. / year: 1 / 2021

size cm: h40 w34

price: €: 1.000,00

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open details Sudditanza


ed. / year: 1 / 2021

size cm: h40 w34

price: €: 1.000,00

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open details Intimità


ed. / year: 1 / 2021

size cm: h40 w34

price: €: 1.000,00

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open details Il Tocco

Il Tocco

ed. / year: 1 / 2021

size cm: h60 w40

price: €: 1.100,00

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open details L'attesa


ed. / year: 1 / 2021

size cm: h60 w40

price: €: 1.100,00

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open details Faccio da sola

Faccio da sola

ed. / year: 1 / 2021

size cm: h60 w40

price: €: 1.100,00

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open details Serpinia


ed. / year: 1 / 2020

size cm: h40 w34

price: €: 1.000,00

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open details Vita


ed. / year: 1 / 2020

size cm: h40 w34

price: €: 1.000,00

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open details Fermia


year: 2020

size cm: h60 w40

price: €: 1.100,00

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open details Amo mio marito

Amo mio marito

year: 2020

size cm: h40 w34

price: €: 1.000,00

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