Ozlem Oguzhan

Istanbul 1979

Istanbul, Turkey (1979)
Özlem Oğuzhan (Prof. Dr.) works at İstanbul Medeniyet University (IMU) in the Visual Communication Design department. She is the founder and curator of artimu.org, IMU's gallery. She studies both theoretically and practically the various ways of seeing.
open details Flowers of evil I

Flowers of evil I

year: 2021

size cm: h41 w30

price: €: 150,00

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open details Roads


year: 2021

size cm: h41 w30

price: €: 200,00

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open details The SEA 1

The SEA 1

year: 2020

size cm: h36 w51

price: €: 200,00

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open details The SEA 2

The SEA 2

year: 2020

size cm: h51 w36

price: €: 200,00

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open details The SEA 3

The SEA 3

year: 2020

size cm: h51 w36

price: €: 200,00

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open details The SEA 4

The SEA 4

year: 2020

size cm: h51 w36

price: €: 200,00

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open details Metropolis


year: 2020

size cm: h25 w35

price: €: 150,00

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open details On earth

On earth

year: 2020

size cm: h41 w30

price: €: 200,00

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open details Ithaca


year: 2019

size cm: h30 w45

price: €: 200,00

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open details Flowers of evil I

Flowers of evil I

year: 2019

size cm: h21 w28

price: €: 150,00

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open details Dervishes


year: 2019

size cm: h35 w50

price: €: 150,00

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open details Other side stories III

Other side stories III

year: 2019

size cm: h19 w29

price: €: 150,00

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