Spazio Alice van Dam

Spazio Alice van Dam

The Alice Van Dam Space, located in the Dora docks, stands out for its intrinsic connection with the world of photography and art, embodied in its very name, inspired by the film by Wim Wenders. This choice reflects a specific philosophy that could guide the gallery's mission. The location within general warehouses that preserve the Liberty architecture adds a touch of historical authenticity and an evocative context for artistic exhibitions.

The spacious structure, divided into various rooms, offers multiple possibilities and uses, allowing the creation of new gallery formulas. The focus on promoting young emerging artists, nationally and internationally, denotes a clear commitment to supporting and giving visibility to new talents. This strategy helps to keep the gallery dynamic and at the forefront, adapting to the dynamics of the contemporary art scene.

The evident interest in expanding the concept of exhibition space into a dedicated art space represents a significant openness. Such an open and inclusive conception could foster the creation of unique and stimulating artistic experiences, encouraging diversity and collaboration among artists from different disciplines. The gallery, therefore, does not limit itself to being a traditional exhibition space but aspires to become a place where different artistic genres collaborate synergistically.

In summary, the Alice Van Dam Space emerges as a place rich in history and potential, with a clear commitment to catalyzing emerging art. The combination of a fascinating atmosphere and the philosophy of supporting young talents helps position the gallery as a dynamic and cutting-edge environment in the contemporary art scene, where interdisciplinary collaboration finds fertile ground.