Research, planning and drafting of the concept by Ozlem Oguzhan of Istanbul Medeniyet University, curator Enrica Benedetto.
This exhibition is based on the concept of “place” (loci). Place, which is a concept frequently studied by many thinkers and artists, is often confused with the concept of "space". Spaces, on the other hand, are areas where people intertwine and identify with the culture they live in and the memory of that culture. In this exhibition, the anthropological quality of the concept of place is evaluated together with its meaning that supports people and culture.

Marc Augé, one of the best-known names in the concept of "place", discussed the concept in the context of supermodernity and established its direct connection to history and culture. However, Augé said in a statement that these ties to advanced technology, population growth and modern way of life in their metropolises have been severed and have become "out of place". Augé proposes the concept of "non-place" to replace the concept of place. They are places where there is no belonging, no memory, and identity is possible only by counting. For example; airports, stations, hotels etc. It is impossible to be recognized or leave a personal mark in these artificial and technology-intensive spaces. There is a 'relative' situation contrary to the identity and memory of the place. This concept, proposed by Augé, is based on a very ancient tradition: the "spirit of the place" (genius loci). Norberg Schultz, who conceptualized the spirit of place, which is the ancient Roman tradition, and made it the subject of modern architecture, artificially questioned the place-space relationship using Heidegger's philosophy of existence.

In this exhibition, we try to understand the "now" by going beyond the concepts of place and non-place. We wonder what is left of the human world between the awareness of the Anthropocene criticisms that exclude the human from the centre and the technology of transhumanism, which sees the human as an "inadequate and in need of updating" technology. The negation used in logic is used for the second time after Augé in the thought journey of this exhibition. The concept of 'non-place' is essentially a rejection of the anthropological and identical concept of place. In this exhibition we are looking for images that correspond to this double negative phenomenon, trying to overcome what has no place. One of the main problems with this exhibition is that the concept of non-place is limited to expressing the situation we find ourselves in today.

In this context it must be said that the two processes of negation annul and reset culture and memory, allowing rethinking and observation. This is why it was appropriate to name the exhibition "Inception". This expansion emphasizes that the concept of "place" is only possible in fairy tales or songs, from people who roam the vast networks of the Internet to forests that have turned into natural parks in their own lives. The denial of "out of place" is a kind of experiment in the imagination. This image can actually be an island, a village, a plain, or a familiar landscape. But it's all scary. They are depicted with a tectonic illusion beyond their usual shape. Paper, water pastel and acrylic were used as materials to reinforce these breaks and flows. When you build quarries or gigantic structures by drilling into mountains, the horizon is never visible on this distorted terrain. Therefore, this exhibition aims to see beyond the absence, starting from the "beginning".

This exhibition, the theatre of a long work, needs the public's imagination.

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