Research, planning and drafting of the concept by Enrica Benedetto.
A necessary premise of the RECENT PAST.
GO! How did the idea for this concept come about?
Due to the spread of the pandemic, OOLALALA, like everyone else, is facing the evidence of an absurd planetary situation. It was necessary to find other ways besides the online gallery to revive concepts that had been forgotten or eclipsed in the face of fairs and other huge art programs. In the first planning phase, the obvious took on the face of the online gallery with its many advantages. All that remained was to satisfy the human need to see the works live, and our answer to this was the design of GO!

The pandemic is finally over, but we do not want to abandon the project, the artists and the partners who supported us. GO! continues and Oolalala currently manages two exhibition venues in Turin and organizes The GO! project, which involves the travel and exhibition of ONE single work of art in different countries, spanning both institutional and unconventional, heterogeneous locations.

For partnerships and collaborations, you can ask for the full project at:
contacts form on this website and we will get back to you as soon as possible.